Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network and Beautiful Information autumn conference: Route to impact – using examples of data to drive improvement and enable change in decision making.
In association with Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network, 100 delegates attended this year’s annual conference and exhibition which took place on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at Senate House, London. Based on the theme of “Route to impact – using examples of data to drive improvement and enable change in decision making” , conference host and Beautiful Information Founder Dr Marc Farr summed up the three key learnings from the day.
“Firstly, I like the centre’s 3 Is’ of Infrastructure, Intelligence, Intervention. I would also add my own precursor with ‘Identification of questions’ as this sets the framework,” comments Dr Farr.
“Secondly, the practical advice on Information Governance – see my ‘killer slide’ Tweet.”
“And finally, the need to promote the role of the analyst from an admin or clerical function to be more recognised as a professional or scientific post for example.” he concludes.
The resources on this page are available for your perusal and use following the Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network and Beautiful Information autumn conference 2019.
Population Health Management Development Programme. Bevleigh Evans, Head of Population Health Management, NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Berkshire West: PHM in Action. Dr Dan Alton, GP Partner, Wargrave Surgery, BerkshireCCIO and PHM Clinical Lead, Berkshire West CCG, PHM Champion, NHS England.
Use of the Kent Integrated Dataset to develop a community services model for CCG allocations. Dr Heather Ross, Senior Analytical Lead and Darren Williams, Senior Analytical Manager, NHS England and Improvement.
What data is needed to develop new pathways and how these are then used to actually change and improve care. Professor Chris Farmer, Consultant Renal Physician, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.
Creating a controlled environment for analytics. Alan Day, BA(Hons) MBCS PGCE CTP, IG Lead – Kent and Medway STP and Catherine Dampney, Director of BI Innovation and Transformation at South, Central and West CSU.
Access the Secondary Uses Data Governance Tool (SUDGT) here.
Understanding the decline in performance against the 4hr A&E target. Steven Wyatt, Head of Strategic Analytics, The Strategy Unit, Midlands and Lancashire CSU.
Access the full report here.
How to ask the right questions: giving analysts time to analyse. Dr Julie George, PH Consultant & HEE/NIHR ICA Clinical Lecturer Surrey County Council.
Sussex Integrated Dataset (SID). Mark Watson, Digital Programme Director, NHS.
How modelling has helped in the Kent & Medway STP Long Term Plan submission. Sarah Overton, Chief Planning Officer for MNWK CCGs and Peter Lacey, Director, Whole Systems Partnership.
Post conference evaluation and feedback.
If you are unable to to find what you are looking for, or have any further questions, please contact Ross Facer, Head of Business Support by email at