“The higher number of patients waiting to be admitted into a hospital bed from A&E than in previous years points not only to patients being admitted when they are sicker, but also to pressure on beds in other parts of hospitals. This leads to disruption in the flow of patients though A&E. Delays in discharging patients prevent beds being freed up for those who need to be admitted, adding to pressures in emergency departments.”
The King’s Fund
Business intelligence is the key to planning any service and crucial for the decision making and allocation of resources needed to assure resilience and readiness for winter. We can help bring the business intelligence you need to support you in effective operational resilience planning. The tools that we have developed deliver real-time information as well as a number of long-term solutions. We use data from existing trust PAS systems and data warehouses.
The EKBI difference is that we believe information should be available to any member of staff, whether they are at home or on the ward. That is why we have developed mobile apps – the first of their kind – to bring this information to life and make it actionable.
EKBI – Operational resilience and capacity planning
With efficiency savings biting hard, this year will be no exception and pictures of patients on trolleys in A&E are bound to appear in the press. The reality is that many NHS organisations aren’t able to manage surge and capacity effectively, safely and in a structured way.
How we can help you?
The OCC (Operational Control Centre) | A Real-time ED and bed monitoring mobile application mapped against key clinical standards; |
The AFT (Activity and Finance Tracker) | A mobile application tool that presents daily referral and activity planning versus contract, costed and forecast forward to a year-end position; |
The Hospital at a glance Dashboard | A real-time bed state tool demonstrating admission and planning profiles with inliers and outlier analysis, DTOC analysis and safeguarding alerts built in; |
The Clinical Dashboard | A real-time tool that demonstrates Patient level Mortality, Length of Stay and Readmission analysis; |
E-forms – Electronic forms | E-forms can be customised completely to the user need to collect key information and then push this information to the end user through either a mobile or desktop platform. |
The Clinical Coding Dashboard | A desktop tool that tracks uncoded spells, their value and timelines associated for delivery |
The Bed Modeller | A desktop planning tool that determines current required bed capacity and predicted bed capacity. It then allows you to change scenarios by LOS cohorts in order to model your service and service need. |
If you would like to find out how we can help you survive winter pressures and avoid the negative impact then please call Ben Rosling (Director of Transformation) on 07961 059547.