With 20 guests at the William Harvey hospital in Ashford, our November Open Day gave them a close-up look at how over 40 solutions work together to help performance and patient flow in a busy live setting. As part of our workshop session, our guests posed 3 essential questions which we have outlined below.
1. My trust has systems in place which won’t give us real-time data so how can we introduce a Beautiful Information Patient Tracking List or Operational Control Centre? Answer: We are often told that systems like Lorenzo, for example, can’t give real-time data. There are often ways to resolve this and we’ve developed some creative solutions to get real-time data and feed it into a dashboard. We are always happy to review systems and make recommendations.
2. We are about to procure a new Electronic Health Record so should we wait before we work with Beautiful Information? Answer: Our solutions are agnostic so it really doesn’t matter what you procure or what stage you are at. We’re always happy to conduct an information review if you want some expert advice and strategic recommendations. Our approach is simply to automate the gathering of all your available data into a data warehouse and then develop dashboards which give you what you need. It’s not dependent on larger IT procurement.
3. We don’t have a fully developed informatics team. Will this be a problem if we use Beautiful Information solutions? Answer: We’ve worked with a whole range of large and small informatics teams and we adapt our approach to suit each trust. We essentially only need a point of contact who understands the flow of information and key data requirements. Sometimes, it’s more productive for clients if we conduct an information review to help assess analytical maturity and develop a strategic road map.
If you have any other questions on our advisory services or solutions, please contact paul.clark@beautifulinformation.org or call 07788 526 789.