Discovery Park, Discovery Event Centre, Innovation House, Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9FF
Wednesday 12 February 2020, 10:00 – 17:00
The digital revolution has enabled virtually everything – from small computer parts to cars to buildings, and even whole cities – to become digitally connected and produce data that can be interpreted, tested, and manipulated.
And so, the Digital Twin was born.
This event will explore and demonstrate the progress toward a digitalised pharmaceutical, medicinal and healthcare future. A future in which a digital twin becomes an accessible resource for all. With a range of inspiring speakers, live demonstrations, workshops and networking opportunities, we will explore the perspective of both large and small organisations. The conference will take place in two parts:
10:30 – 14:30 Two’s Company Main event and exhibition
250-300 people and 35+ stands and demos are expected.
14:45 – 17:00 Catalysing the Data-Driven Life Sciences and Healthcare research agenda across Kent and Medway
This invitation-only session will be for up to 40 delegates.
This event is free to attend. Please register by email: and indicate whether you would like to attend the whole day or one part of the day. The programme will follow when you register.
For a copy of the day’s programme, click here.